I Am Feeling...

  • I am learning how to self-regulate my emotions. I want to take on new responsibilities and gain leadership skills.
  • I need for adults to be honest with me and prepare me for my role in the world. I will continue to challenge adults and seek my independence. However, I benefit from having parental limits (without them being too controlling) and classroom structure. Adult role models help me navigate my way. I want to know that I can approach adults with my problems and concerns.
  • The older I become the more capable I am of making my own decisions and moving away from peer pressures. I am responsible for choosing between healthy choices that make me a better person or participating in ones that may harm me. I recognize that people my age are more likely to be involved in smoking, drugs, sexual intercourse, and binge drinking than in years before.
  • I can feel invincible and that hardships that bad things happen to other people, but not me or my friends.
  • I want to have a close circle of friends who share my interests and talents. I am looking for my place in the world.
  • I need positive reassurance to understand that others have felt that same way that I do. I am not alone.

Lachman Pavel, 15 years, ZUŠ M.Stibora-výtvar.obor, Olomouc, Czech Republic ICEFA Lidice, 36th Exhibition. A medal to the school for their collection of graphic art.

Big Ideas in Children's Artistic Development

 Debrah C. Sickler-Voigt, Ph.D.