Debrah C. Sickler-Voigt, Ph.D.
Classroom Management

Contact Debbie with requests for professional development workshops, consulting services, community art projects, study abroad, and speaking engagements at conferences, universities, school districts, organizations, and community venues.


The following represent a sampling of Dr. Sickler-Voigt’s classroom management workshops:


Classroom Management Action Plan

Create a personalized classroom management plan that includes a clear mission statement, positive student actions, and introspection. Maintain a well-managed classroom environment driven by high expectations and work through the barriers that can hinder the learning process. Reinforce class goals by teaching students positive actions that promote good citizenship.


Bullying Prevention Through Art

Bullying is a serious problem in schools. Seventy-seven percent of all students admit that they have been bullied and/or bullied other students. Learn how to collaborate with students as equal partners to identify problems associated with bullying. Design meaningful curricular activities that teach students how to become active leaders in maintaining positive, bully-free learning communities.


Teaching Diversified Learners

Today’s classrooms are becoming more diversified. Diverse learners represent the variety of students we teach. Develop strategies and accommodations to engage students with diverse abilities and from varying cultural, racial, socioeconomic, and linguistic backgrounds as an integral part of your comprehensive art curriculum.


Teaching Students with At-Risk Tendencies

“Students with at-risk tendencies are children and youth who are more likely to drop out of school.” Learn strategies to assist students with at-risk tendencies by creating a nurturing classroom environment with established procedures and curricular activities that connect to students’ life experiences.


Copyright Debrah C. Sickler-Voigt
