I Am Creating...

  • I may still include schemata in my art and have an interest in making my artworks look more realistic. Observational drawing exercises teach me how to represent what I see rather than what I know.
  • As I get older, I may sometimes feel that my artwork does not look realistic enough. My teachers help me by demonstrating how artists create their works using various approaches and art media. For example, I can experiment with stylizations and abstractions in my art.
  • I may still use flat areas of color, but have the ability to mix colors to show greater value in my art.
  • I like to incorporate influences from visual culture in my art, such as cartoons, sports figures, and celebrities.
  • I am adding more details to my work and demonstrating a greater use of perspective by using multiple baselines and/or making objects in the distance look smaller than ones in the foreground. I may also use aerial or one-point perspective.
  • I feel eager to try new and advanced art techniques and media. Despite my enthusiasm, I still require time to learn and practice these skills. I can also see the benefit of revising my art to make corrections and changes.


Big Ideas in Children's Artistic Development

 Debrah C. Sickler-Voigt, Ph.D.